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SELECTMEN'S MINUTES September 4, 2001

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally, Heather Briggs


The minutes of 8/28/01 were accepted as written and signed.  

The minutes will now be posted to our web page.


SUBJECT:  Paul Adams

Mr. Adams inquired about our web page.  He was told that our new web page is

Inquired about the “No thru trucking” on King Road.  Mr. Adams is concerned that the trucks will use Kelley’s Corner Road instead.  The traffic on Pleasant Street is very heavy with single and double axle trucks hauling gravel and will increase with King Road posted.

Earl Weir is doing improvements to Hilliard Road at his expense.  Mr. Adams is saying that the Board cannot allow this without a Town Meeting vote.    Chairman Jordan said it would need to be voted by the Board to accept it as a Town maintained road.  Mr. Adams said we need a public hearing or a Town Meeting before he improves it.  Mr. Weir may have to go before the Planning Board for further approval.

SUBJECT:  Fire chief, John Prickett

Submitted a copy of a numbering ordinance for the Board to review.

Payroll will now be submitted weekly.

Discussed regionalizing fire and ambulance service.  The Town should be considering full-time employees in the future.  The number of calls has increased to the point the request is justified.  John is working with Loudon to accomplish this.

SUBJECT:  Board discussion

The Board voted unanimously to enter into a Non-public meeting at 7:50 PM pursuant to RSA 91 A:3 II (e).  Discussion of pending litagation against Bruce Luksza and Joseph Hebert.  

Theodore Bailey – yes   Jeffrey Jordan – yes    Dennis Call – yes

No new decisions were made.

Non-public meeting was exited at 8:34 PM.

The Board voted unanimously to seal the minutes pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, III.  Divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective.

Theodore Bailey – yes   Jeffrey Jordan – yes    Dennis Call – yes       
Judy asked about radio licenses to be renewed.

Judy reminded the Board of the public hearing to be held on September 18 regarding “No thru trucking” on King Road.

SUBJECT:  Police Chief, Ann Emerson

The Chief has a candidate for the part-time position left by Keith Yeaton.  This candidate will need to be part-time certified.

The Chief asked what the Board had planned for her during the transition from part-time to full-time Chief.  

A thank you from Harkness was extended to the Board.

A complaint was submitted to the Board regarding Ferrin road and the school bus route.  They will be told to submit the complaint to the school.
Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey

Jeffrey Jordan, chairman

Dennis Call